E-shop solution rent and hosting in 1 workday


Freeshop.lt e-shop:

  • responsive design ;
  • editable information and layout;
  • editable design template (elements, color);
  • more than 90 funkcions;
  • system is prepared for SEO;
  • integration with: Paysera.com, Paypal.com, DPD, Omniva, Lpexpress, Mailerlite.lt, Eshops.lt, Kainos.lt, Livechat.lt, Gsms.lt, GoogleAnalytics
  • e-shop hosting and backups
Freeshop.lt e-shop demo version for free: you can try and learn, how to manage the e-shop
E-shop functionality

E-shop has all necessary functions for e-business (catalog, shipping rates, payment methods and etc.) and can be reached w
orldwide. E-shop solution is created according SEO professionals recommendations. It is possible to optimize e-shop content and reach good results in google organic search.

E-shop solution | Trading system, updates, server hosting Systems integrations | Payment methods, shipping types, chat, information via sms E-shop marketing tools | SEO optimization, Social chanel, Google Analytics E-shop design themes | Editable design templates and page layouts


E-shop functionality

E-shop has all necessary functions for e-business (catalog, shipping rates, payment methods and etc.) and can be reached w
orldwide. E-shop solution is created according SEO professionals recommendations. It is possible to optimize e-shop content and reach good results in google organic search.

With us launch e-business more than 500 clients
Andrej Larionenko, UAB Prolita:

Pradedant kurti verslą svarbu turėti tvirtą pagrindą į kurį būtų galima atsiremti. Freeshop.lt jį mums suteikė. Jų siūlomas produktas buvo geriausias variantas rinkoje: greitas, nebrangus ir kokybiškas. Dėkojame Freeshop.lt komandai už puikų darbą, iškilusių sunkumų greitą sprendimą ir visapusišk...

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E-shop for leisure lovers
Robertas Vengrys, Efekto.lt:

We are the owners of several other websites, so we know, what it is the creation of the site. We were looking for finished e-shop system, because we wanted to focus just on sales. We have chosen Freeshop.lt e-shop solution, because the platform had all neccessary functions, the services had attractive price.

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E-shop for healthy lifestyle people
Handmade Jewelry
Sidabrita - prekyba sidabro papuošalais
Loreta Jakštienė, UAB Sidabrita:

Dėkojame Freeshop.lt komandai už sklandų ir operatyvų darbą. Smagu, kad iškilus klausimams galime kreiptis ir sulaukti greito bei tikslaus atsakymo. Taip pat galime pasidžiaugti, kad pasirinkdami Freeshop.lt ir patikėję savo e-parduotuvės kūrimą, tikrai nesuklydome. Esame patenkinti Freeshop.lt profesional...

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