E-shop has all necessary functions for e-business (catalog, shipping rates, payment methods and etc.) and can be reached worldwide. E-shop solution is created according SEO professionals recommendations. It is possible to optimize e-shop content and reach good results in google organic search.
Dėkojame Freeshop.lt komandai už sklandų ir operatyvų darbą. Smagu, kad iškilus klausimams galime kreiptis ir sulaukti greito bei tikslaus atsakymo. Taip pat galime pasidžiaugti, kad pasirinkdami Freeshop.lt ir patikėję savo e-parduotuvės kūrimą, tikrai nesuklydome. Esame patenkinti Freeshop.lt profesional...
Thank you for e-shop solution, which is easily managed and has a great design. We appreciate the quality of your services, detailed advice and of course attractive price. You are the best in Lithuania!
We are the owners of several other websites, so we know, what it is the creation of the site. We were looking for finished e-shop system, because we wanted to focus just on sales. We have chosen Freeshop.lt e-shop solution, because the platform had all neccessary functions, the services had attractive price.